An open call for transnational partner to implement the project of transnational cooperation  within the framework of 1/POKL/4.1.1/PN/2013

The Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, Poland On the basis of: Art. 28a clause 4 The Act of 6 December 2006 on the principles of development policy (Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2009, No 84 item 712, as amended) announces an open call for a transnational partner/partners  to prepare and implement a project within the framework of: “Human Capital Operational Project”, contest nr 1/POKL/4.1.1/PN/2013 for distinct projects of transnational cooperation related to strengthening the didactic potential of university.

The main objective of partnership –  to work out and implement new solutions in the educational offer of university adjusted to the requirements of the job market and knowledge based economy within medical sciences ( health and care services for elderly people)

Thematic outline

  • preparation of new specialization with courses already run by JKU within medical and health sciences, assessment and upgrading of syllabuses and process of education
  • widening of educational offer within medical sciences through introduction of courses and workshops meeting the requirements of the job market and knowledge based economy
  • preparation of syllabuses, didactic materials and implementation of online courses within medical and health sciences
  • cooperation with employers with the aim to strengthen practical elements of education within medical and health sciences (internship)

Potential Project Partners may be business items in or out of the public finances sector  that will contribute to the project human, organizational, technical and financial resources and together with the  Jan Kochanowski University will participate in preparation of application for project funding.

Participation of partners in the Project is not granted and will depend on funding provided by EU.

Expectations towards the potential Partner:

  • The conformity of the potential transnational Partner’s actions with the objectives of the partnership
  • The contribution offered by the potential transnational Partner to the achievement of the partnership’s objectives
  • Experience in the implementation of similar projects ( demonstrating realization of projects of different sources of funding but realized within the field of partnership project in question)
  • Declaration of readiness for cooperation with the beneficiary during project preparation
  • Potential partners must give their consent to make the offers that they submit public






Offers submitted must include

  1. Personal data of an offerer and authorized representative together with personal data of a person responsible for cooperation.
  2. Description of  task completion within the project by potentional partner
  3. Description of potential partner  contribution  in terms of organizational, financial, technical and human resources into realization of the project.
  4. Description of so far activities and realization of similar Project
  5. Current transcript of the document skating legal status of the potential
  6. Written statement that the potential partner does not owe any payments to public-law entity


Cooperation offers must be submitted by 1 pm on 23rd of August 2013 at the following address: Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach, ul. Żeromskiego 5 pok.5 (sekretariat Kanclerza), 25-369 Kielce In a closed envelope  with a note „partnership offer – framework 1/POKL/4.1.1/PN/2013 – Project of transnational cooperation” (only offers meeting the deadline will be considered)

Additional information about submission May be received at the following phone numbers  +48 41 349 73 35 or + 48 41 349 72 85.

Criteria of assessment

  1. The conformity of the potential transnational Partner’s actions with the objectives of the partnership
  2. The contribution offered by the potential transnational Partner to the achievement of the partnership’s objectives (human, organizational, technical resources)
  3. Experience in the implementation of similar projects
  4. Assessment of submitted offers will be done in accordance with Art. 28a clause 4 The Act of 6 December 2006 on the principles of development policy
  5. The university reserves the right to chose max. 3 partners
  6. Results of the open call will be announced within 4 calendar days since the deadline of submission in Public Information (BIP) of the Jan Kochanowski University
  7. An agreement, regulating cooperation between partnership, will be signed with selected partner/partner.

Procedure of appeal

  • Items that were not chosen for cooperation may appeal against the decision within 3 calendar days from the announcement of submission  results in writing at the above address
  • The appeal will be reviewed within 2 calendar days from the date of receipt by the committee appointed by the Vice-Rector for Development and Finance (with consideration of the appeal will be excluded individuals who were involved in the assessment submitted in response to the announcement partner applications).
  • In case of a positive outcome of the appeal  is expected to take into account in making the final nomination list of partners.
  • Information about the results of appeal will be made public In Public Information (BIP) of the Jan Kochanowski University.

The item announcing this call reserves the right to nullify submissions with no explanation provided


Opublikował w BIP:Baran Grzegorz
Data opublikowania:2013-08-02 09:13:08
Data aktualizacji:2013-08-02 09:14:17

Liczba wyświetleń strony: 2044

Kilka słów o UJK

Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach jest jednym z 16 uniwersytetów państwowych w Polsce, jedynym w województwie świętokrzyskim.

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